Why Can’t I Sell my Chelmsford Home?

October 26th, 2021

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Are You Struggling to Sell Your Chelmsford Home?\r\n

\r\nSo you’ve listed your home for sale and it’s been listed on all the main property portals, but no one is requesting or viewing, or when they do, no offer had been made. What’s that all about?\r\n\r\nHaving your home sit on the market is more than just frustrating; it’s probably costing you money. So, here are some likely reasons why your home isn’t selling.\r\n

The price is too high.\r\nWhen it comes to reasons a home isn’t selling, if it’s not the condition, it’s nearly always pricing.\r\n\r\nPricing a house too high is a common mistake and resisting the temptation to overprice your home is the biggest challenge sellers face.\r\n\r\nPricing a home for sale is tricky. There are a lot of ways to slice the data to determine your home’s fair market value. And while data, usually from sales of comparable homes in the area, is important, a top agent’s experience can be invaluable when building a pricing strategy.\r\n

The home needs some TLC.\r\nIt can be a bitter pill to swallow to pay for home improvements that you may not enjoy for long. But if you are struggling to sell your home and you want to sell for the full asking price, you might need to get your house in a condition that warrants it.\r\n

Your home doesn’t fit the mould.\r\nSome properties have features that make it more difficult to find the right buyer.\r\n\r\nUnique properties – like very large homes, high-end or expensive houses, homes in unusual areas, or just homes with odd or unusual features take a little longer to match with a buyer, and that’s okay. You just need to be aware of this and make sure the title and description of your home do your properties unique features justice. \r\n\r\nFor example, there was a unique bungalow on the market recently that was a quirky bungalow with loads of character. Unfortunately for the seller, there were other bungalows on the marketing within the area that were priced way under their asking price. This meant that they weren’t getting a lot of viewings. The problem here was that the unique features weren’t promoted within the marketing of the property, so potential buyers thought the property was over-priced as they didn’t fully understand what was being sold. \r\n\r\nSometimes unique properties take longer to sell, but they also need to be marketed correctly in the first place to get the right type of buyer seeing the listing.\r\n


Your staging is bad.\r\nIt might seem silly as the buyer isn’t shopping for furniture but staging matters. There is a difference between staged homes and vacant homes, and typically, a staged home sells for more money and in a shorter amount of time.\r\n

Your curb appeal is no good.\r\nCurb appeal is like the staging of the outside part of your home. It’s an old chestnut, but the first impression a buyer gets from your house is important.\r\n\r\nAn ugly driveway or run-down front garden will turn people off. The last thing you want is someone thinking your property is a “fixer-upper.”\r\n

Your agent doesn’t seem to care.\r\nSometimes there’s nothing wrong with your house at all: It’s priced right and is well-maintained. But your agent could be turning people off. Your estate agent is meant to be your front-line representative. However, some agents have little to no personality, some are burnt-out, some don’t care, and others have no social skills.”,
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